Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a group of people whose specific role is “investigating and weighing matters relating to pastoral activity and proposing practical conclusions about them” (Canon 619).

The Council members assist the Parish Priest to understand his people more. Members contribute by thoroughly studying and reflecting on pastoral problems and by recommending practical solutions. They bring the practical wisdom of parishioners, which is different from the expert opinion of the diocesan/parish staff.

Our Parish Pastoral Councils meet every 2 months and liaise with other ministries within our community.

Singleton Parish Pastoral Council

  • Niamh Marzol – Chairperson
  • Chris King
  • Christina Metlikovec
  • Helen Rapp
  • Anthony Jarrett

Branxton Parish Pastoral Council

  • Craig Trunk – Chairperson
  • Lydia Gorczyca
  • Stephanie Trunk
  • Kellie Heggart
  • Sallyanne Stanbridge
  • Amie Ward

Parish Finance Council

The Finance Council is made up of parishioners belonging to the one community.

They work together with the Parish Priest and the parish community for the good of the parish. The role of the Finance Council is to advise the Parish Priest on any financial policies for the Parish and to advise the parishioners of the financial situation of the parish on a regular basis.

Singleton Finance Council

  • Maree Hall
  • Felicity Pearce
  • John Flannery
  • Daniel Brooker

Branxton Finance Council

  • Brendan Bailey
  • Joy Clarke
  • Gail Jacobs
  • John Partridge
  • Ernie Bendeich
  • Alan Humphreys

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Ministry Roles in Our Parishes

Parish Operations and Events

Ministry Name Overview Role
Counter To ensure that the money from the first and second collection at Mass is accurately counted for deposit into the Parish bank accounts.
Collector at Mass Collect 1st and 2nd Collection donations during Mass and count the number of people at Mass.
Hospitality (Cuppa) and Social Events Team Member The provide hospitality for parish events and liturgies throughout the year including morning tea after Mass and catering for special events and functions.
Parish Finance Council Member Members of the Parish Finance Council assist the Parish Priest in the administration of the finances and goods of the parish.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Member Members of the PPC assist the Parish Priest in promoting the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in our world. The Pastoral Council shares in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of the parish community, working together with parishioners to provide support to live as followers of Christ.
Parish Property Advisory Committee Member Members of the Parish Property Advisory Committee advise the parish priest in matters relating to redevelopment of Parish owned property.
Stewardship Committee Member Members help the parish community grow in their awareness and activities in living life as disciples of Jesus and stewards of God’s gifts.
Youth Group Team Member To create opportunities for young people to nuture their personal relationship with God and be supported and enabled to participate in Parish life.

Liturgy Support

Ministry Name Overview Role
Assembly All people gathered for the Eucharistic celebration are ministers of the Mass by virtue of their baptism and assembly for the celebration. They are called to participate fully, consciously and actively for celebration.
Acolyte The acolyte is instituted for service at the altar, and to assist the priest. Acolytes carry the cross, the candles, the censor, the thurible, the bread, the wine and the water. Acolytes prepare the altar and sacred vessels and, if needed, distribute Holy Communion as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Altar Server – Adult Adult altar servers are commissioned to serve at the altar and assist the Priest in a similar way to acolytes. They may also distribute Holy Communion if commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Altar Server – Junior Junior altar servers minister under the direction of an Acolyte or Adult Altar Server and may carry the cross, the candles, the censor, the thurible, the bread, the wine and the water.
Audio Visual & Sound System Operator Responsible for the preparation and orderly operation of computer and audio visual equipment to display lyrics and text during the liturgy.
Audio Visual and Sound System Supporter
Ensures that all audio-visual and sound equipment within the parish is in good working order.
This person has the responsibility for leading and animating the assembly’s singing at a given Mass where there is no choir.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Presider Helps lead children in active participation in the Liturgy of the Word familiarizing them with the patterns, gestures and responses of the Liturgy so they can gradually participate more in adult liturgies. The presider helps the children hear the scriptures proclaimed, understand the scriptures through a dialogue reflection and respond in prayer and creative arts.
Commentator Welcomes assembly to Mass with details of the celebration of the day at the beginning of Mass. Gives notices from bulletin at end of Mass. Ensures all ministries are filled for Mass.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Assists the ordinary minister (the priest) in the distribution of Holy Communion. Ministers are commissioned after formation.
Liturgy Team Member Members of the Liturgy Team help in the preparation, coordination, formation and evaluation of the parish’s liturgy. The team discuss rosters, upcoming liturgical events, music and formation.
Music Director Oversees the music and direction of musicians and choirs. Choosing music appropriate to liturgical celebrations.
Musician/Accompanist The skilled accompanist leads, supports and animates the assembly’s voice and accompanies the choir/cantor. This role is critical to fostering the active participation of the assembly in the liturgy and requires experience in playing organ, piano or guitar to accompany a large group of singers.
Offertory Procession Brings forward the gifts of bread and wine at the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Musician/Accompanist The skilled accompanist leads, supports and animates the assembly’s voice and accompanies the choir/cantor. This role is critical to fostering the active participation of the assembly in the liturgy and requires experience in playing organ, piano or guitar to accompany a large group of singers.
Reader The reader reads from the Lectionary the readings preceding the Gospel. After preparing the readings through prayer and reflection, the reader proclaims them so that they become the living Word of God in the midst of the assembly.
Sacristan The sacristan ensures that everything is prepared before the liturgy begins. This includes cleaning the sacred vessels and linen; preparing the bread and wine; setting out the vestments and vessels for the particular celebration; preparing the candles, censor and thurible; opening the building, turning on lights and audio systems; marking up the lectionary and missal for the particular celebration. They also ensure provisions of the Sacristy are kept in stock.
Welcomer/Greeter/Usher Welcomers are to be present and welcoming to those who are entering the celebration handing out the Bulletin and other necessary articles/books and make eye contact when greeting parishioners. They may need to act as an usher for larger celebrations. Welcomers also ensure books and bulletins are collected and left neat and tidy at the end of Mass.
Write of Prayers of the Faithful for Mass These people prepare the intentions for the Prayer of the Faithful for the Sunday liturgies. Such intentions follow the pattern set down in the General Instruction #69-70. The intentions are crafted to reflect the season or feast being celebrated.

Parish Care

Ministry Name Overview Role
Bulletin Article Writer This person would have an interest in writing articles of interest to include in the Bulletin relating to history, liturgical season, local interest.
Church Cleaning Team Ensures that the Church and other parish buildings are kept in a good state of cleanliness.
Church Decorating Team The team ensures that the sanctuary has appropriate decorations (floral, banners and linen) in accordance with the liturgical season, feast or solemnity.
Computer Data Entry Ensures that Parish records such as sacramental registers are kept up to date and in order within the PADRE system. Requires computer skills.
Parish Buildings and Grounds Maintenance Provides routine maintenance for the parish buildings and grounds including semi-skilled carpentry, plumbing, electrical and other minor repair work. Grounds work may include mowing and pruning with grounds equipment.
Parish Safeguarding Team Member The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has an absolute and abiding commitment to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults — particularly for those who participate in the life of the Diocese as part of our faith communities in parishes. The Team would ensure all volunteers of the parish are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training and comply with refresher requirements.

The team would also ensure all volunteers have completed the necessary induction paperwork.

Parish Work, Health and Safety Committee Member Members of the WHS Team advise the parish priest to ensure Parish owned property complies with regulations and legislation.

Community Support

Ministry Name Overview Role
Advent/Lent Group Member The group facilitates the Advent or Lenten reflection programs for a small group within the Parish environment. This role involves setting up the space, welcoming and providing a safe discussion environment and facilitating discussion as suggested by the program.
Alpha Group Team Member Responsible for running Alpha Group sessions. Includes preparing a meal, creating a welcoming space, presenting the videos and facilitating conversations in a safe space. Training and resources provided.
Baptism Preparation Team Member Role is to meet and lead a group of parents wishing to have their children baptized. Includes preparing program materials, leading groups sessions and being a friendly support throughout the process.

Meet and greet families at Mass when baptism is performed.

Bereavement Support Team Member Provide bereavement support to those who have suffered a death within the family. Team members provide assistance with arranging the funeral liturgy or Mass, especially liaising with other parish ministries.
Bible Study Group Member The group lead a bible study group within the parish utilizing pre-prepared bible study programs.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the Sick, Elderly or Housebound Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the Parish Priest to take Communion to the sick and elderly when there is pastoral need. Sunday is the ideal day for taking Communion to the sick as it helps to establish clearly the link between Communion of the Sick and the Sunday Eucharist celebrated by the Community. Ministers are commissioned after the Prayer after Communion.
New Parishioner Welcome & Visitation Team Member Members provide opportunities within parish life to welcome new parishioners. The role includes the maintenance of Parish Welcome Pack for new parishioners. Team members contact or visit new parishioners to welcome them to the parish.
Parish Debutante Ball Committee Member Work together with committee to coordinate and plan the annual debutante ball. Roles include dance instruction, decoration, financial controller and secretarial/communications.
Parish Planned Giver This person provides regular financial support to the parish community.
Parish Transport Provider This person provides transport to mass and other parish events for the frail and elderly who would otherwise not be able to attend.
Pastoral Care Team Member Role is to provide ongoing pastoral care and support to those members of the Parish community who are recently bereaved, those who are frail, aged and ill. This support could be through offering pastoral care support and/or provision of Holy Communion to those in their home, nursing home or hospital.
Playgroup Team Coordinator/ Member Coordinates the provision of playgroup facilities within the parish environment.
Prayer Chain Group Member Receives a prayer request and passes it to the next person in the prayer chain via a phone call. Prays for the community member in need at the same time as others in the chain.
Rite of Christian Initiation in Adults Team Members Oversees the process of adult initiation within the parish community. Responsibilities include meeting with those interested in becoming Catholic and discussing their faith journey and individual needs, liaising with other ministries in the Parish to assist in preparing for the rites and periods of the initiation process. Ensures that the parish community is aware of and involved in the initiation process as a whole.
Sacramental Preparation Team Member Oversees the sacramental preparation of children within the parish through coordinating the parish sacramental program. Responsibilities include liaising with other ministries, establishing small groups, training and supporting group leaders, gathering and providing program materials and meeting with parents and children involved with the program. Members also plan the dates of sacrament initiation celebrations.
School Religious Education (SRE) Team member Team Members teach the SRE program in public schools according with the approved Diocesan curriculum. Needs to work with other SRE teachers and Diocesan SRE. Formation provided by Diocese.
Social Justice Group

‘Hope Tree Group’ Member

Members attend meetings and work practically to assist the Parish in addressing social justice issues and in the task of spreading the Gospel message of justice in the local Church and wider community. Hope Tree Group mission is to provide direct assistance to those who are in need within Australia and around the world.
St Patrick’s Women’s Guild Group Member Guild Members provide ongoing support to the bereaved by visiting the families and providing catering for funerals. They fundraise for projects as needed. The Guild provide catering for other events as requested and assist the Parish as needed. The Guild also provides a safe meeting place for women of the parish to meet on a monthly basis and will hold craft sessions with members.
St Vincent de Paul Volunteer Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society aim to alleviate suffering and bring Christ and the Church’s message of love to those they assist. They provide a hand up to the vulnerable within the community by providing financial assistance and running an opportunity shop.
Youth Ministry Events Coordinating Team The team coordinate events specifically aimed at the youth of the Parish to foster the personal and spiritual growth as well as participation in Parish life.
YCS Group member YCS is a Catholic youth movement run by students, for students. It challenges young people to take direct action on issues they’re facing – no matter how big or small. YCS offers a unique opportunity for students to lead discussions on what they are most passionate about. Centered around the Catholic faith, the Review of Life means high school students can apply Bible teachings to their own modern day realities and explore how faith applies to them – “what would Jesus do in these situations?”.